October 2012  
 October 9, 2012 - Shooting the second coat of primer

Looking good, but now it's time for more block sanding!

In between working on the body, I took apart the radio console and re-dyed the vinyl using shoe dye and polished the chrome trim.  Using rattle can chrome spray paint, I re-painted the edge of the rocker switch which had been painted black as well as the interior light which had peeled. 


  The end result looks much better.
November 23, 2012

The day after thanksgiving brought 60 degree weather, so we took the opportunity to shoot Slick sand primer on the car.  Slick sand is a high-solids, extra high-build polyester based primer surfacer designed to fill in uneven spots.

Our challenge was using a paint gun with a 1.4mm nozzle.  Slick Sand calls for a 1.8-2.3mm nozzle, but we took a chance and first sprayed the boot lid.

The paint definitely came out slowly but we were able to apply a good coat.


Then we started shooting the car, beginning with the edge under the boot.  This spot had lots of uneven spots that we we hoping to smooth out with the Slick Sand.

Our paint gun started clogging up, so we thinned out the paint a little.

Then we shot the rear wings.


Unfortunately the thinned paint started running and the paint gun was clogging up, so we decided to stop,  but not before shooting the front driver's wing, bonnet edge and a few other spots. 
The next day I started block sanding the boot lid.  First I sprayed a guide coat of black paint, then started sanding with 320 grit sandpaper.

There is one high spot that immediately became apparent.  I was able to sand that down even. 

Next I went to work on the driver's front wing that has uneven spots.  After putting down a guide coat and sanding with 320 grit, the high and low spots immediately became visible.

Because this is in a very visible spot on the wing I want to get it even, so I will try filling the low spots with glazing compound and then sanding more.

I will have to shoot one more coat of primer over the Slick Sand before final sanding.


Overall I am pleased with Slick Sand.  If we had the proper spay nozzle I would have put a coat on more of the car, but I was able to cover the bad spots.  I will have to put one more coat of primer over the Slick Sand before final color.